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How Can We Solve Food Waste in NYC?  

In order to address Food Waste, we must hold those who create waste accountable, this includes big corporations, small businesses, and even ourselves. We must make steps towards redirecting our food waste to recycling centers. Below are some methods that we can implement to promote a healthy food culture in NYC. In general, we have to alter our definition of trash, and when confronting food waste we must realize that food does not belong in the garbage. Food scraps are better in the compost, and expired food products should be offered to those in need.


Individuals should take steps to reduce food waste in the household. This can be done by composting, but households should have a place to dump their compost. Thus composing centers should be abundant and accessible. Perhaps there could even be an incentive to promote composting. 


The solution is that restaurants and businesses should change their practices when confronting food waste. It should be an option for stores to donate or make available sealed and uncontaminated food nearing expiration dates to the public. Moving what would be food waste to redistribution centers for people looking for budget products. 

Food Policy 

Officials hope to transform a problem into an asset, creating useful products like fertilizer and energy. The goal is to keep the city’s roughly eight million pounds of daily residential food waste from rotting in landfills, by government creating laws and helping to provide services to donation places (I.e., fridges, pantries, soup kitchens, etc.) or adding incentives for giving away, it'll encourage others to donate as well.

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